Brings local and international business experience as well as national board
directorship experience to the DSC
Paul has been an accountant for over 35 years in Manufacturing, Import, Retail, Hospitality and Aged Care services. He has also been active in not for profit organisation for many years.
Since moving to Brisbane in 2009, he has connected with community groups in the Redlands Receiving an Inspiring Seniors award from Redlands Council in 2015.
Paul is currently acting as Treasurer for the Donald Simpson Community Centre, Redlands District Committee on the Ageing Inc., and Mates Theatre Genesis. Convenor of the Redlands Hearing impaired Support Group, Chieftain of Qld Malt Whisky Society – Redlands Branch, Chairman for the Seniors Month Committee in the Redlands, and a member of a number of community networks.
The Centre has many facets and we attempt to manage and maintain a smooth operation for our members. We probably make mistakes but none of the volunteers takes home anything but satisfaction in making a contribution to our community.
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