Board Member

Jim has had two careers in his working life, the first 25 years as a filmmaker in both television and films. A “pioneer” of TV he commenced at Channel 7 when they first went to air in November 1959 as head news cameraman covering news all over Queensland and New Guinea. He went into commercial film production, before retiring from the industry in 1983. Having always been a football (soccer) fan, he became involved in all aspects of the code, club admin., playing, coaching,(including a stint as a State Junior coach) refereeing, before starting his next career as a fulltime football administrator with the State body, giving him another 25 years in this area of admin. It culminated in being appointed as Competition Manager for the Football tournament in Brisbane as part of the 2000 Olympic Games, after that concluded, he retired from work completely. He then spent 18 years as an announcer with local Community radio station BayFM before having a well-earned rest from activities, joining the Board of DSC in September 2024. Jim is currently an active volunteer with the Redland Museum.

Meet Our Board & Team Members

The Centre has many facets and we attempt to manage and maintain a smooth operation for our members. We probably make mistakes but none of the volunteers takes home anything but satisfaction in making a contribution to our community.

Brings local and international business experience as well as national board directorship experience to the DSC
Paul is currently acting as Treasurer for the Donald Simpson Community Centre and a member of a number of community networks.
Board Member
Chris Sheehan is Board Member of the DSC. He is a lawyer who worked for the Commonwealth Government for 30 years and is now
Deputy Chairman
Shane has a history of corporate life and finance skills to bring to the board with the betterment of the DSC Centre and community
Board Member
Laraine Dillon is a life-long professional communicator with many strings to her bow…
Board Member
Vimal is a Commercial and Succession Lawyer with McCarthy Durie Lawyers in Cleveland…
Thomas joined the Donald Simpson Centre as Centre Manager by the appointment of the Board in 2015 to oversee all management and operations of