Albert was born in 1937 and has lived his entire life at Mt Cotton. He began his community involvement as member of Redland Junior farmers and was a member of community service Apex club until the age of forty which was the maximum age for the organization. He became honorary ambulance bearer after the necessary study at that time and was was elected to Redlands council in 1978 to represent Mt Cotton and Sheldon division, serving three terms, nine years.
Albert joined Cleveland Rotary in 1987 after his dad who was a member from inception. He is still involved with Donations in kind, which exports disused health and educational items to third world neighbour countries.
He was a member of Blue Nursing during the establishing of the service in Redlands and was chair of DSC for a term.
Albert is also an active member of Lutheran church at Mt Cotton participating in LWS, Lutheran world service which manages several refugee camps in Jordon and Africa.

Meet Our Board & Team Members

The Centre has many facets and we attempt to manage and maintain a smooth operation for our members. We probably make mistakes but none of the volunteers takes home anything but satisfaction in making a contribution to our community.

Brings local and international business experience as well as national board directorship experience to the DSC
Paul is currently acting as Treasurer for the Donald Simpson Community Centre and a member of a number of community networks.
Board Member
Chris Sheehan is Board Member of the DSC. He is a lawyer who worked for the Commonwealth Government for 30 years and is now
Deputy Chairman
Shane has a history of corporate life and finance skills to bring to the board with the betterment of the DSC Centre and community
Board Member
Laraine Dillon is a life-long professional communicator with many strings to her bow…
Board Member
Vimal is a Commercial and Succession Lawyer with McCarthy Durie Lawyers in Cleveland…
Thomas joined the Donald Simpson Centre as Centre Manager by the appointment of the Board in 2015 to oversee all management and operations of