Your Meeting Place
The Centre was opened in 1987 with funds from State and Local Government and donations from the community. Its purpose is to provide a venue for social, intellectual and physical activities for the seniors and future seniors of the Redland community and the neighbouring areas.
The Centre has a large auditorium and several activity rooms and a kitchen and café area. The many activities conducted in the Centre can be viewed on our Activities page; our day and overnight tours can be seen on our Travel page and other one-off events are presented on our Events page.
Our Constitution
The Donald Simpson Community Centre Ltd is operated by a Management Committee elected by members at its annual general meeting usually held in September. It is governed by its Constitution.
To view our Client Protection Policy Click Here
Parliamentary Inquiry Into Loneliness and Social Isolation
The Donald Simpson Community Centre Ltd Board has prepared a parliamentary submission into loneliness and social isolation in consultation with our members. To view our submission CLICK HERE
Meet Our Board & Team Members
The Centre has many facets and we attempt to manage and maintain a smooth operation for our members. We probably make mistakes but none of the volunteers takes home anything but satisfaction in making a contribution to our community.
DSC Board works through various policies for the centre. To view our policies click below:
We bring you information regarding the recently concluded AGM:
Join the Donald Simpson Centre
For more information about the member activities call us on 07 3821 1089 or email contact@thedsc.com.au. For further information about the centre, click here.